4 good reasons to refurbish an old and neglected bathroom

Refurbishing an old and neglected bathroom is not just a whim. This is one of the room most subject to degeneration and where design quickly goes out of fashion. Therefore, after a few years, a makeover becomes indispensable. Here’s then 4 good reasons to redo the bathroom and make it clean again, beautiful and in step with the times.

1 – For a more efficient and functional hydraulic system

Hydraulics is an industry that evolves in a surprisingly fast way. Keeping up-to-date facilities means having a more functional home and increasing its value over time. Consider that the most technologically modern systems, beyond being more efficient and reliable, are much easier to install and more easy to be integrate in a fitted environment.

2 – For energy saving

In recent years there has been widespread attention to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, especially because reducing waste and managing consumption more efficiently means saving money. In older sanitary ware, for example, rinsing can consume up to 13 liters of water compared to 4-6 liters of the more recent controlled rinsing tanks such as Flaminia sanitary ware with or without rim. Therefore, refurbishing an old bathroom is a choice towards sustainability and energy saving.

3 – To optimize space

Older bathroom fixtures and bathroom accessories are not ideally integrated into smaller rooms. Nowadays, home furnishing in a little space is now a real need. Small-scale bathroom fixtures – such as Mini Link and Mini App – are designed to maximize the space inside a house.

L’estetica in una casa è fondamentale. In una casa appena ristrutturata, il bagno deve essere altrettanto funzionale e con un design fresco e moderno, in linea con gli interni. Rinnovare il bagno non solo servirà a creare una casa più confortevole, ben progettata e al passo coi tempi, ma aumenterà anche il valore stesso della vostra casa.

4 – Transforming the house

Design in a house is essential. In a newly renovated house, bathroom must be functional and with designed a fresh and modern look, according with the interior. Renewing the bathroom will not only serve to create a more comfortable, well-designed and up-to-date house, but it will also increase the value of your home.

With Flaminia you can find many solutions to renovate an old bathroom. Continue to follow our advice and contact our experts to find the solution that best suits your needs.


4 good reasons to refurbish an old and neglected bathroom