Bathroom and antebathroom in a commercial space: useful legislation

Designing bathroom and antebathroom in a commercial space, it is always necessary to comply with the regulations on safety and health in workplace to build a bathroom compliant with legal standards. Let’s try to understand what the rules provide for the sanitary premises, in particular the obligation of antebathroom in the commercial premises.

Local public toilets: useful legislation

As we have already introduced, when designing the bathroom in a public place it is necessary to pay attention to building and sanitary regulations that describe and regulate the precise characteristics and basic requirements that the sanitary rooms must respect to be considered compliant to standards.

The regulatory reference point for the design of bathroom and dressing room in a commercial space is the Ministerial Decree No. 190 of July 5th, 1975, which regulates the minimum size of the antebathroom and the requisites of ventilation and air exchange, lighting, insulation and heating.

Mandatory area for business premises: what does the legislation require?

On the other hand, there are some Municipal Building Regulations that provide for the obligatory anti-glaze for public premises and commercial establishments, especially for sales or food storage activities. According to this normative orientation, the bathroom must be separated from the living area or from a kitchen by a “filter area” in the form of a compartment, anteroom hallway, corridor or atrium, bounded by at least two doors.

To make bathroom and ante-bathroom in a commercial space, rely on Flaminia solutions. For more information you can consult the product page on our official website.


Bathroom and antebathroom in a commercial space: useful legislation